Don’t Walk, Dance


308 9th Ave N, Seattle WA 98109


Live2Dance’s 6th Annual Production: Love O’Clock

Fasten your seatbelts and prepare to be mesmerized as Live2Dance’s 6th production ‘Love O’ Clock’ takes you on a journey beyond time. Prepare to witness a chaotic encounter turn into a subliminal and magical love filled 2-hour joyride, entwined with jaw-dropping dance sequences and breathtaking grandiose sets!

Dance group on a mission:

to multiply smiles, create more diverse community and reduce stress


It’s energetic, it’s vivacious, it’s colorful, it’s addictive! It’s a community of like-minded individuals, led by Deepali Jamwal, whose sole objective is to spread happiness through her fun – Bollywood infused dance routines. Founded with a vision to create a more diverse, tolerant, healthier and positive global community through dance, Deepali has made it her life’s purpose to engulf the entire city in the sweet essence of Bollywood dance and create one big happy place for everyone to let loose.

Boogie To
Bollywood Beats

News & Update

Ravishing Woman of the Day : DEEPALI JAMWAL

Ravishing Woman of the Day : DEEPALI JAMWAL

Success comes to those who dare to dream, and then work hard to realize them. This has been Deepali’s mantra that she brought to life when she founded Live2Dance and worked hard to make it a mega success it is today. Live2Dance was founded with a vision to create a...

Dancing for Two

Dancing for Two

When it comes to dancing during pregnancy, there’s often a ton of mixed opinions. My opinion, like most you know is – don’t stop. It’s not hurting your pregnancy. If anything, you’re celebrating it and taking control of your image. That’s not negligence, but a revolutionary act of claiming your fitness, your body, and your passion.
